Workbook bundle of 3 x Freemasonry Dethroned by Derek Robert FREE POSTAGE


This is a workbook of advanced spiritual warfare that is the fruit of twenty years involvement in the ministry of deliverance from Freemasonry. Father has given me so many keys that were not in any of my books, that I felt the need to write them down. 


This book contains both teaching and prayer strategies. All the keys in this book have been brought forth in our seminars, often with remarkable effect and even more remarkable testimonies. We look forward to receive your testimony!

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This is a workbook of advanced spiritual warfare that is the fruit of twenty years involvement in the ministry of deliverance from Freemasonry. Father has given me so many keys that were not in any of my books, that I felt the need to write them down. 


This book contains both teaching and prayer strategies. All the keys in this book have been brought forth in our seminars, often with remarkable effect and even more remarkable testimonies. We look forward to receive your testimony!


Derek, with his passion for the church to hear the message of FREEDOM, has found the Father giving him keys to overcome the wiles of the enemy in very real, day to day but tough circumstances. What Derek has learned through this walk with the Yehovah is included in this – three books in one volume – a book for you to benefit from the biblical insight and prayer strategies that came forth in our many seminars to overcome the enemy and maintain freedom.


Workbook, 125 pages, format A4.

One lady released from psychiatric unit as a result of just one teaching in this book!



Chapter 1: Freemasonry: Craft or Witchcraft? 
Witchcraft and the Blindfold
The First Blood Oath
The Mason’s Mother
Secret Society or Society with Secrets
Open Bible and False Unity
The Lost Name
Hiram Abiff the False Saviour of Freemasonry
Raising Ritual
The Tracing Boards
Black and White
More Symbols
Second Degree: Fellow Craft
Second Degree Blood Oath
Third Degree: Master Mason
Release From the Masonic Coffin
Placed in a Coffin
And there is more…
Third Degree Blood Oath
The Apron
Masonic Penny
Prayer of Release:
Seventh Degree
The Fivefold Contra Curse
The 18th Degree of Freemasonry
Fertility God or Vampire Spirit?
The 18th Degree Blood Oath
Freemasonry in the Church
Setting The Captives Free

Chapter 2: Signs, Symbols and Abominations
Dream Catchers
Wind Chimes
Russian Dolls
Paisley Pattern
The Willow Pattern
Playing Cards
Hip Hip Hoorah
Greek Key
Jewellery and the Occult
Men and Earrings
Punk Rock
The Cross: Power of God or Lucky Talisman?
Star of David or Hexagram?
The Meaning of the Six Pointed Star
Kamikaze Dove
Christmas Trees and Easter Bunnies
Messiah’s Birthday?
A Fish Called Ichthus
Water Divining
Jehovah: Name of God or Abomination?

Chapter 3: The Caduceus Rod and Things That Go Bump in the Night  
Knights of Malta and The Hospice Movement
The Law of Similitude
Centesimality and Dynamization
Occult Influence
Biochemic System of Medicine
Prayer of Release:

Chapter 4: Hermes and Spiritual Warfare  
Hermes the God of Philosophy
Hermes the god of Hermits
Merlin, Arthur and Druidism
Prayers of Release for each aspect of these gods with over 20 Renunciations

Chapter 5: Therapists and an Altered State of Consciousness  

Doctors, Dentists, Nurses and other Medical Staff
Temples of the Spirit of Yehovah
Biblical Eating and Fad Diets

Chapter 6: Delivered To Satan or Witchcraft in the Church?  

Taking Communion for Others
Not Under Authority
Spiritual Transference
Bitterness and Ties to Fettered Souls
Touching the Anointing

Chapter 7: Sexual Abuse, Rape & Pornography  
It Felt Like Rape
Imprinted by Her Husband the Rapist
Mr Angry
Imprinting of Anger
Forgive the Sin
Pornography and Yoga
Breaking the Power of the Baphomet Goat-God
Prayer Strategy to Break the Stronghold of the Baphomet, Kundalini & Yoga with 90+ Renunciations
Prayer Strategy for healing and release from the pain and the stronghold of rape and or sexual abuse.


This is just an overview of the contents – there is more.


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