General Albert Pike, Grand Commander, sovereign pontiff of universal freemasonry, giving instructions to the 23 supreme councils of the world.
“That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition. To you sovereign grand inspector general, we say this and you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees – the Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the luciferian doctrine. If lucifer were not god, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and His priests, calumniate Him? Yes, lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods. darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil, as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the god of darkness and evil”
Recorded by A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et Lenfant dans La Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, Page 588. Cited from The question of freemasonry, ( 2nd edition 1986 by Edward Decker pp12-14)
“The dunces who led primitive Christianity astray, by substituting faith for science, reverie for experience, the fantastic for the reality; and the inquisitors who for so many ages waged against Magism (magic and sorcery) a war of extermination, have succeeded in shrouding in darkness the ancient discoveries of the human mind”
Albert Pike [33rd degree Mason] ‘Morals and Dogma’ 732 (Note: Commander Albert Pike was Grand Master of the Central Directory at Washington, D.C., Grand Commander of the Supreme Council at Charleston, S.C., and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. He was an honorary member of almost every Supreme Council in the world, personally receiving 130 Masonic degrees)
“Masonry is the descendent of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion which long antedates the prime date of creation as given in our Bible. It is all that remains to us of the first world religion which flourished in an antiquity so old that it is impossible to affix a date. It was the first unified religion… To this, such symbols as the pyramids, both in Egypt and South America, bear witness… The ancient mysteries were temporary custodians of the ancient truth and closely allied to the Masonic work of today… the relation of the Mysteries to Masonry has oft been recognized, and the golden thread of living continuity can be traced through them to modern Masonry. The Mysteries…are all parts of that ancient thread which has its origin in that primeval religion which terminates today in masonry”
Foster Bailey [33rd degree Mason], ‘The Spirit of Freemasonry’ 30-2
“All antiquity believed …in a Mediator or Redeemer, by means of whom the Evil Principle was to be overcome and the Supreme Deity reconciled to His creatures. The belief was general that he was to be born of a virgin and suffer a painful death. The Hindus called him Krishna; the Chinese, Kioun-tse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Scandinavins, Balder; the Christians, Jesus; the Masons, Hiram”
Pirtle, The [Masonic] Kentucky Monitor 14,15
“The religion of Freemasonry is not Christian”
Albert Mackey [33rd degree Mason and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the thirty third degree Scottish Rite], ‘Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry’. 618
‘That sacred and invisible bond that unites men of the most discordant opinions into one band of brothers, which gives one language to men of all nations and one altar to men of all religions, is properly, from the mysterious influence it exerts, denominated the mystic tie; and Freemasons because they alone are under its influence, or enjoy its benefits, are called brethren of the mystic tie’
Albert Mackey [33rd degree Mason and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the thirty third degree Scottish Rite], ‘Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry’. Vol 2 778
“Masonry is regarded as the direct descendant, or as a survival of the mysteries…of Isis and Osiris in Egypt”
Robert Freke Gould, History of Freemasonry 1:13
“Man is God in the making..”
Manley P Hall. [33rd degree Mason] ‘Lost keys of Freemasonry’ 92
“Be still – and know – that I am God”‘..’THAT I AM GOD’- the final recognition of the All in All, the unity of self with the Cosmos – the cognition of the Divinity OF THE SELF!”
George H.Steinmetz, ‘The Lost Word: Its hidden meaning 241-242
“The signs, symbols and inscriptions date from…the Sumerian civilizations…, Chaldea [Babylon], Assyria, Greece, Rome and even in Mexico and Yucatan… Some rites of the Scottish rite of Freemasonry of our Mother Jurisdiction have been in existence from time immemorial. For we teach the same grand truths, the same sublime philosophies…as those adepts of the ancient mysteries taught in their esoteric rites”
Henry C. Clausen, ‘Messages for a Mission’ [the Supreme Council 33rd degree, A & ARFM, Mother Jurisdiction of the World, 1971] 5-7
“Freemasonry is the survivor of the ancient mysteries – nay, we may go further and call it the guardian of the mysteries”
Bro. J.S.M.Ward. ‘Freemasonry and the ancient gods’ 347
“Man is never closer to God than when he kneels, spiritually naked, at the altar of Freemasonry”
“Masonic Services Association” series. vol.19 p14
“The Second Landmark is the Volume of Sacred Law, open in the Lodge. But the Bible is not, in freemasonry, more than one of the Great Lights, and never has been, for the reason that Masons are not required to believe its teachings…The stern fact is that we are constantly admitting Hindu%uFFFDs, Chinese, Mohammedans, Parsees and Jews, not one of whom believes in the Bible, and this forces the conclusion that Masonry regards the Bible only as a symbol”
Masonic Record, June 1926 in an article by Bro. T.H.R. entitled ‘What are our Landmarks’
The Oxford University Press publishes a special edition of the Bible for presentation to Masonic candidates containing a declaration that the Bible itself is a symbol – that is, a part taken for the whole. And in the same edition, Dr. Fort Newton explains that “the whole includes God’s revelation through the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, etc.
“Even our so called Christian degrees have taken a Christian colour merely because, in the main, we are Christians, and not because they are in essence Christian”
JSM Ward. Freemasonry and the ancient gods. P347
“The interpretation of the symbols of Freemasonry from a Christian point of view is a theory adopted by some, but one which I think does not belong to the ancient system. The principles of Freemasonry preceded the advent of Christianity. If Masonry were merely a Christian institution, the Jew, the Moslem, the Brahman and the Buddhist, could not consistently partake of its illumination. But its universality is its boast. In its language, citizens of every nation may converse; at its altar men of all religions may kneel; to its creed disciples of every faith may subscribe”
Albert Mackey, [33rd degree Mason and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the thirty third degree Scottish Rite] ‘Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry’.
“Triangle – An important symbol in Masonry. 1. The equilateral triangle was adopted by all ancient nations as a symbol of Deity, and was regarded as the most perfect of figures. It constantly recurred in Craft Masonry as well as in the Royal Arch. 2. The right angled triangle was also regarded as an important figure. Among the Egyptians the base represented Osiris, or the male principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the female principle; and the hypoteneuse, Horus, their son.
R.H.MacKenzie, ‘The Royal Masonic cylopedia, Rites, Symbolism and Biograghy’ 743
“Are they seriously suggesting that all the clergy be compelled to renounce their vows made at their initiation and subsequent advancement in the craft.”
The Rev. Alexander Morris (when in May 1951, Dr. Hubert S. Box proposed that the Convocation of Canterbury should set up an inquiry into Freemasonry)
“The true Mason is not creed bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge, that as a Mason his religion must be Universal. Christ, Buddha or Mohammed. The name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque, pagoda or cathedral, and realizes with his true understanding the oneness of all spiritual truths. No true Mason can be narrow for his lodge is the divine expression of all broadness.”
(contrary to Matt.7 v 13-14) Manley P Hall [ 33rd degree Mason] ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ 64,
“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy.”
Manley P Hall [33rd degree Mason] ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ 48,
‘..the true Mason raises himself by degrees until he reaches heaven’
– extract from the 28th degree lecture.
“There he stands without (outside) our portals, on the threshold of his new Masonic life, in darkness, helplessness and ignorance. Having been wandering amiss the errors and covered over with the pollutions of the outer and profane world, he comes to our door, seeking the new birth, and asking a withdrawal of the veil which conceals divine truth from his uninitiated sight”
Albert Mackey, [33rd degree Mason and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the thirty third degree Scottish Rite] ‘The Manual of the Lodge’ (105:20 cf. 13:5)
Coil’s Masonic Encyclopaedia (95: 516-17) makes the following blasphemous statement about our Creator:
“Men have to decide whether they want a God like the ancient Hebrew Yahweh*, a partisan tribal god, with whom they can talk and argue and from whom they can hide if necessary, or a boundless, eternal, universal, undenominational, and international Divine Spirit so vastly removed from the speck called man, that he cannot be known, named or approached. So soon as man begins to laud his God and endow him with the most perfect human attributes such as justice, mercy, beneficence, etc. the Divine Essence is depreciated and despoiled… The Masonic test is a Supreme Being, and any qualification added is an innovation and distortion…Monotheism. violates Masonic principles, for it requires belief in a specific kind of Supreme Deity.”
*Note: the ancient caananite weather god is yahweh as taught by masons and higher critics such as Kittle and Gesenius, (a study of Gesenius will demonstrate this to be factual). Whatever, this does not make yahweh or any other god the Creator, whose name is Yehovah!
Coil’s Masonic Encyclopaedia (95: 516) and the ‘Masonic Ritual and Monitor’ (58: 226) admit that ‘Bul’ or ‘Bel’ refers to the Assyrian or Canaanite deity, and that ‘On’ refers to the Egyptian deity Osiris. Wagner in his ‘Freemasonry; An Interpretation’ (16:338 -39) reveals the Masonic goal in this pagan trinity..
“In this compound name an attempt is made to show by a co-ordination of divine names.. the unity, identity and harmony of the Hebrew, Assyrian and Egyptian god-ideas, and the harmony of the Royal Arch religion with these ancient religions. This Masonic ‘unity of God’ is peculiar. It is the doctrine that the different names of gods as Brahma, Jehovah, Baal, Bel, Om, On, etc., all denote the generative principle, and that all religions are essentially the same in their ideas of the divine.”
..’it is the body of the Holy Spirit, the Universal agent, the Serpent devouring his own tail’
Rex Hutchens [33rd Mason] ‘A Bridge to Light’ 253 Published by the Supreme Council, Thirty-third Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction,
“Masonry, like all the religions, all the mysteries, Hermericism and alchemy conceals its secrets from all but the adepts and sages, or the elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled, to conceal the truth, which it calls light, from them and to draw them away from it. The blue degrees (that is the craft degrees) are but the outer courts or portico of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understand them. Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma 104,105 & 819)
A comprehensive and concise book, ‘A Bridge to Light’ by DR. Hutchens, summarizes our Scottish Rite Degrees and assists in a ready understanding and appreciation of our ritual. Also it frequently returns to the great cornerstone of our order, Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma.. Taken from the official Supreme Council Masonic web site on 22/08/00 from a section entitled: ‘A presentation concerning the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’.
Masons use the two triangles to represent this idea of opposites. In the short talk Bulletin, a pamphlet which is to be read in the lodges, we are told that the triangles “are symbolic of good and evil, day and night, the Chinese yang and yin..”
‘Point within a circle’ Short Talk Bulletin August 1931 vol.9 (reprinted July 1990)
“However I have to say that in over 40 years membership of the order I have never been conscious of any conflict between my Christian belief and my membership of the Order. Yes it is true that Christ is not mentioned in our Craft degrees, but that does not mean He is not present at our meetings. If He dwells in the heart of the Christian, then He is present”
[This would presupose that these men are born again of the Spirit of Yehovah, and are true believers with a biblically based faith! With so much blasphemy in the Lodge, how could any Mason, professing to be a true Christian remain?]
Past Chaplain the Rev.H.R.Allen O.B.E M.A ‘Freemasonry and the Church’ 1992
“When later he (the Mason) is given Light, it means really that he is taught the principles of Occultism.”
Arthur H. Ward. ‘Masonic symbolism and the Mystic Way’ 149-150
“By the Lambskin [apron] the Mason is reminded of the purity of life and rectitude of conduct which are so essentially necessary to his gaining admission into the Celestial Lodge above [heaven] where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides”
Albert Mackey, [33rd degree Mason and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the thirty third degree Scottish Rite] ‘Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry’. rev.ed “apron”, 72-74
“Both Jesus Christ and God are very important in my life but I don’t like the Christianity that links the two. I have found a lot of the answers to my questions in Freemasonry.
Jim Davidson talking to ‘Hello’ magazine June 1996