Matters of Copyright & Translation
Why do we copyright our material? This is a question that is raised from time to time. The reasons are several:
Out of context
It helps stop inappropriate or out of context quotations, and thereby causing any misquotes. (We hope.)
Sources of income
As a faith ministry with no denominational support our materials are one of our few sources of income. Up to the time of writing sales are limited and in themselves have never so much as covered one small salary, but every little helps.
Quality control
We do not want to run the possibility of substandard copies of our material being circulated. Where there is genuine financial need as in say third world countries we often give free materials.
We will not give permission for copying, nor retrospective permission so please do not ask. For your own sake we implore you not to copy or duplicate our materials or the copyright material of any other author. To do so is theft and that theft allows Satan to say, “Ah, a thief, I can and I will steal from that person.”
Please lend or give this book to as many people as possible. However, to give someone an unauthorised copy may be to release powers of darkness to the effect that instead of freedom, all hell breaks loose! Satan loves to work with Believers in Messiah who are not under the delegated authority or Yehovah.
FMI has an ongoing program of translation into other languages. For those desiring to translate our material into their native, or any other, language, we ask that they communicate with the FMI office. This book may already be in translation in your language. Further as this work is intense spiritual warfare, we ensure ongoing prayer to cover our translators.
Unauthorised Translations
To start such an endeavour without the publishers permission is to do so without any legitimate spiritual protection. We have been shocked to find that some, translating without authority, have suffered in their physical health. If this has happened, please contact the office and our intercessors will begin seeking Yehovah for a full restoration of health. Note: we will not be upset, but seek to bring the Father’s mighty help.
Contrary to malicious slander/libel the Masonic content in our absolutely unique books, has not been copied and nor does it plagiarise any other work. Neither has any publisher ever contacted the author or FMI regarding such a matter!!

Quotations of copyright material are referenced. The research material used is listed in the bibliography. Further the Masonic content of my books is far beyond that of any other Christian books available! That these books are inspired by the Spirit of YAH is evidenced by the remarkable testimonies and fruit. For this we give Father Yehovah all the Glory.