Workbook bundle of 3 x Breaking the Chains of Roman Catholicism by Derek Robert FREE POSTAGE


The history of Rome clearly tells us about dictatorship and bloodshed, but not many a Protestant knows on which side their forefathers stood. Most of us are not aware if somewhere in the family line there has been an encounter with or involvement in Roman Catholicism. most are not truly away of just what the Harlot Church actually teaches. Get ready to have your eyes opened and for the prayers of release.



The history of Rome clearly tells us about dictatorship and bloodshed, but not many a Protestant knows on which side their forefathers stood. Most of us are not aware if somewhere in the family line there has been an encounter with or involvement in Roman Catholicism. most are not truly away of just what the Harlot Church actually teaches. Get ready to have your eyes opened and for the prayers of release.

This book is for ex-Roman Catholics and non-Roman Catholics alike. For most there is a need to deal with the effects of generational Catholicism and its pagan roots of Mystery Babylon, introduced into the Worldwide Congregation of Messiah by the pagan Emperor Constantine.


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