Some wonder at the connection of Fatherlessness & Jezebel. Simply, because of Emotional Abandonment, a fear of abandonment is created. In turn a control personality is developed that is often seen as being ‘jezebelic’.
Fatherlessness is a state created by the lack of paternal nurture. Psalm 78 as well as the writings of the Apostle Paul teaches us that the father is to be the primary nurturer in the family system. He is also to teach the children biblical truth and the ways of Yehovah. Therefore, that one’s dad was ‘a good dad’ does not suffice. Did your father teach you the ways of Yehovah, as well as demonstrate the character of Yehovah? Did he have a passive personality? Was your mother or father, or both angry, and did it spill over onto you? Have you in turn become a passive father or mother? Have you become dominating or controlling? Are you a Mr Angry or Mrs Angry? Perhaps it is silent or passive anger? If the answer to any of these is a yes, this workbook is for you.
Often the mother is herself suffering from ‘fatherlessness’ and in turn this is compounded by a lack of nurture from her husband. With her own emotional needs not met, she will turn to her childen to fulfill ‘her emotional needs’, when in truth her function, along with her husband, should be to meet the needs of their children. Where the children become imprinted with the mothers personality, their true personality is often submerged and they become double-souled.
Many can recognise where their parents have tried to mould them to fulfill their desires, rather than find the true gifting of their children.
When the author first began to deal with this condition, so dramatic was the change, he felt it was as if he had been born again, all over again. He came off an emotional roller-coaster whereby he would seek emotional highs to keep going. In reality he had the beginnings of a manic-depressed personality (sometimes known as bi-polar). This and more was dealt with by praying through the strategies found in this book. This will often manifest in a woman as a psychotic personality, so ladies, there is freedom from this.
Another outworking of this conditon is Misogyny, whereby the man hates the woman he loves. The wife can also despise her husband and this is known as Misandry. She effectively becomes a Misogynist in a skirt.
If you or your spouse became overly bonded to either of your parents, then it is possible you took the place of their wife or husband at an emotional level. This we have termed Spiritual Incest. The effect of this on your marriage relationship can cause you to be more of a brother or sister to your spouse. Many have found the prayer strategies for this to be particuarly effective.
As we walk you through the Scriptures, and with proven prayer strategies, you will walk into Freedom and healing.
The resulting testimonies from around the world from those who have prayed through this workbook have been remarkable. We look forward to hearing yours!
Table of Contents
Preface to the First Revision……….. 7
Preface to the Second Revision……….. 8
Amen-Ra….. 8
The Personal Name of Elohim….. 9
Quotations from the Messianic Tyndale New Testament (MTYN)….. 10
Introduction……….. 1
Laying a Foundation……….. 1
Chapter One……….. 5
Fatherlessness and the Double-Soul……….. 5
Under Jezebel and Through Freemasonry……….. 5
Fathers to Teach and Nurture the Children….. 8
Spirit from Your Mother, Soul from…….. 9
Father Yehovah has a Pattern for Our Lives….. 12
The ‘Double Minded’ Man…….. 13
The Double-Souled Person And Manipulation….. 17
Fatherlessness and Rebellion….. 22
The Double-Souled Man Is Unstable In All His Ways….. 22
Jezebel Brings Passivity and Depression….. 23
Eliyahu Becomes Confused and Comes under Deception….. 23
Jezebel has an Insatiable Desire to Rule….. 24
Yochanan the Immerser Goes Into Confusion….. 25
The Jezebelic Must Be Confronted….. 25
Jezebel’s Demise….. 26
Jezebel Puts the True Prophets to the Sword….. 27
Pastors and Leaders….. 27
Jezebel Operates Under a False Prophetic….. 29
Jezebelic Brings False Accusation & Steals Ministries….. 29
Jezebel Brings Passivity and Emasculates the Men….. 30
Passivity Affects Men and Women Under This Principality….. 31
Saviour Personality, the Fruit of Jezebel….. 31
Little Boys and Girls Under the Jezebelic….. 32
Recognise If You Are Fatherless and Double-Souled….. 32
The Solution From Scripture….. 33
Prayers to Deal with the Double-Soul….. 33
Prayers to Deal with Rebellion Rooted in Fatherlessness….. 35
Men to pray….. 35
Ladies to pray….. 35
Prayers Regarding Women Usurping Authority In the Home….. 36
Ladies to pray….. 36
Men to pray….. 36
All to pray….. 36
Taking Account of the Past….. 36
The Woman Becomes a ‘High Priestess’ under Jezebel….. 38
Prostitute Priests and Priestesses….. 38
Chapter Two……….. 41
Jezebel, Queen of Heaven,……….. 41
Lady of the Kingdoms……….. 41
False Worship….. 41
True Prophets Are Put to the Sword….. 42
Rulership and Control….. 42
Counterfeit or False Fire….. 46
Fire Tunnels….. 46
Depression under Jezebel….. 47
Treachery and Betrayal….. 47
Intimidation….. 48
No Protection or False Protection….. 48
Chapter Three……….. 57
Prayer Strategies to Break the Strongholds of the Queen of Heaven……….. 57
For Men….. 61
For Women….. 62
For All….. 62
For the Married….. 63
Chapter Four……….. 65
Emotional Abandonment……….. 65
Numb with Pain….. 69
Transient Global Amnesia….. 70
Explosion of Pain….. 71
Healing the Memories….. 72
Healing Prayer:….. 78
Chapter Five……….. 79
Spiritual Incest……….. 79
The Root to Spiritual Adultery….. 79
The Root to Spiritual Incest….. 80
Chapter Six……….. 83
Spiritual Incest Prayer Strategy……….. 83
Men….. 83
Husbands/ Fathers….. 84
Sons….. 85
Wives and Mothers….. 85
Ladies….. 86
Daughters….. 86
Men and Women….. 87
Chapter Seven……….. 91
Ransomed, Healed, Divorced, & Yes, Forgiven……….. 91
Second Class Believer!….. 91
Living Hell….. 92
Divorce in the Old Testament….. 93
The Most Misunderstood Verse in the Bible?….. 94
Having Your Cake and Eating It!….. 95
Divorce in the Gospels….. 99
Divorce in the Epistles….. 101
Does Elohim Hate Divorce?….. 104
Ministry Check List:….. 105
Prayer for Severing One Flesh Ties:….. 106
Postscript……….. 108
Bibliography……….. 109
Matters of Copyright & Translation……….. 110
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