eBook – Lead Me To The Father by Derek Robert – 21st Century Edition


This book started out as a series of Friday evening bible studies on the Oneness of Elohim (God), when the law of unintended consequences kicked in. Reading the study notes I had provided, people began testifying to inner healing as well as to a new relationship with Father. My initial reaction was, How?

Some early comments were: This study is pure gold, the Spirit of Yehovah has been healing me deep on the inside. Nobody was more surprised than I to receive this and other such testimonies. My Dutch translator said, as soon as I sit down to work on this book Father’s presence is there. Something extraordinary was happening, not just to individuals, but also in the meetings. There was a deeper sense of His presence, a deeper unity and worship. Awesome.


This book started out as a series of Friday evening bible studies on the Oneness of Elohim (God), when the law of unintended consequences kicked in. Reading the study notes I had provided, people began testifying to inner healing as well as to a new relationship with Father. My initial reaction was, How?

Some early comments were: This study is pure gold, the Spirit of Yehovah has been healing me deep on the inside. Nobody was more surprised than I to receive this and other such testimonies. My Dutch translator said, as soon as I sit down to work on this book Father’s presence is there. Something extraordinary was happening, not just to individuals, but also in the meetings. There was a deeper sense of His presence, a deeper unity and worship. Awesome.

I would love to give you here just the one key that ‘did it’, but that is not possible. It is not even easy to give you a sum up of the book, but the words of Ye’shua in the last verse of John 17 are one of the keys. Ye’shua said in prayer to the Father, I have declared unto them THY NAME, (YEHOVAH) and will declare it; that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

We have become more aware of how much the Creator, the One True and Living Elohim is desirous of a relationship with us. The question is: how can we have a relationship with someone who has no name? Throughout the ages the enemy has attempted to blot out Father’s Name and with some success. We Christians and Messianics hardly know, or even not know the Name of our Creator. Yeshua declared the Father’s Name, and knowing that Name, and using it, is a good beginning. Imagine only calling one’s spouse, ‘husband’ or ‘wife’, but never their actual name. Not much of a relationship, eh? The Name of our creator is covered in Chapter 2 by looking at Ancient Hebrew Sources and many other witnesses.

From there we look at the Divine nature, and separate out the philosophy that has been taught as truth, or as Messiah put it, the traditons of man as doctrine.

As you read this book a new fire and passion for the Father should begin to develop. Never was theology so exciting.

There are some amazing keys and we highly recommend this book for a journey to ‘Intimacy with the Father’.

191 pages A4



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